Emotional Healing That Transforms Your Leadership Impact

The most profound changes start within the landscape of your own mind. This inner terrain, filled with thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, holds the key to your potential for optimising your leadership capability. Mastering your internal landscape is the key to profound and sustainable change.

Throughout life, you experience a wide range of emotions, an inherent part of human nature. These emotions serve as crucial guides, and act as an inner compass, guiding your life and shaping who you are.

At times in your life, you may have felt really upset or hurt, but instead of talking about it, you kept those feelings inside. When you do that for a long time, it can make it tough to deal with things happening now because those old feelings are piling up.

Personal Breakthrough Programmes for business leaders are tailored to your needs to release pent-up emotions and resolve emotional wounds.

Supported by powerful courses with groundbreaking resources that restore balance to your mind and body.


Nikki J. Owen, Transformationalist

"Nikki’s story is amazing. She shows her determination to commit a lifetime’s work to helping people in distress and transforming their lives for the better" 

Neil Loach, Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health 


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    Personal Breakthrough Courses

    Personal Breakthrough Programmes tailored to your needs that work deeply to release stuck emotions and resolve emotional wounds. Re-gain lost-confidence, access your true voice and develop compassionate self-worth.
    © 2023 Nikki J Owen LTD. All rights reserved.